By Bobby Williams, 11 November 2023

I am honored to have won reelection to represent Ward 2 on the Keene City Council. 

Thank you to my opponent, Howie Bagley.  Howie and I don't agree on basically anything, but he ran a clean and honest campaign - and made it so the voters could have a choice - and I appreciate that.

I have to say that I'm really stoked that my friend Laura Tobin will also be joining the council, as will my neighbor, Ed Haas. Besides those two, everyone else coming back is an incumbent. I'm happy to say that, together with city staff and our new mayor - Jay Kahn - this is a really solid group of people to work with.

A shout-out to Ashok Bahl, who ran for a councilor-at-large seat and came pretty close. And especially to Cora Elliot, who didn't come quite as close, but who is an outstanding young woman who has the makings of an excellent leader. I feel honored to have been able to work with her on her campaign, and I hope she will take another shot at it sometime.

Terry Clark, I am happy will continue as a county commissioner. 

I hope nobody takes it the wrong way when I say that I hope the next four years are not quite as eventful as the last. 

The one thing that just about everybody has in common is that we all want to live in a nice community. But when we spend all our time arguing over high-drama issues, it keeps us from working together to address the structural problems we face that are long term in nature.

The increasing cost of replacing worn out infrastructure is one of those problems. So is the changing state of our natural ecosystem. Housing is a problem we have failed to face, which has compounded into a problem of homelessness and its many related miseries.

These are the kinds of problems that require diligent work and creative thinking on the part of city councilors, city staff, and the public. I look forward to doing my part.

By Terri O'Rorke, 10 November 2023

In 1916, New Hampshire held what would eventually become the first in the nation primary. In 1920, now with twenty other states holding presidential preference primaries, NH held its election before any other state. From then on, NH held the first primary in the country for every presidential election.

“In 1913 Stephen A. Bullock, a State Representative from Richmond, proposed a bill before the legislature to allow voters to select presidential nominees. The House and Senate approved the bill and the New Hampshire governor signed it into law. All on the same day! The first presidential primary was held in March, 1916. But it wasn’t until 1952 that the state began to put the names of candidates onto the ballots. In 1977, New Hampshire’s legislature approved the primary’s ‘first in the nation’ status. They enacted a law which would eliminate any possible future encroaching on New Hampshire’s status of being first. The law stated the primary would be held on the Tuesday that was at least seven days before the date on which any other state held their primary.” Excerpt from A Presidential Aberration.

Now, in 2024, the Democratic National Committee has decided not to put Joe Biden’s name on our primary ballot here. They would rather start in South Carolina where the President fared much better voter wise four years ago. However, there’s that little issue of NH state law . . ."The presidential primary election shall be held on the second Tuesday in March or on a date selected by the secretary of state which is 7 days or more immediately preceding the date on which any other state shall hold a similar election, whichever is earlier."

So now we have Democrats and Independents who lean Democrat organizing a Pres. Biden write-in campaign for the upcoming primary. Just so you know, a write-in campaign has happened here before; in 1968 Pres. Lyndon Johnson won NH through a write-in campaign, only to drop out of the race nineteen days later. 

As we have seen over the last several years, outright and frightening threats to our democracy have taken place throughout this nation whether it’s been attempts at voter suppression (sometimes successful); an attempted government coup; attacks on the rights of women, LGBTQ, minorities; POC; and the steady encroachment of oppressive extremism in our local, state and federal government. 

Just so you know, the following are 21 of Pres. Biden’s accomplishments over the last three years:
1. Passed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package to increase investment in the national network of bridges and roads, airports, public transport, waterways, energy systems and national broadband internet.

2. Got more than 500 million life-saving COVID-19 vaccinations in the arms of Americans through the American Rescue Plan.

3. Ended a 30-year run of federal inaction on gun violence by signing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act creating enhanced background checks, closed the “boyfriend” loophole and provided funds for youth mental health.

4. Invested $369 billion for climate change, through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

5. Provided $10,000 to $20,000 in college debt relief to Americans with loans making under $125,000 a year.

6. Cut child poverty in half through the American Rescue Plan.

7. Capped prescription drug prices at $2,000 per year for seniors on Medicare through the Inflation Reduction Act.

8. Passed the COVID-19 relief deal that gave payments of up to $1,400 to many struggling citizens while supporting renters and increasing unemployment benefits.

9. Achieved historically low unemployment rates after the pandemic caused them to skyrocket.

10. Imposed a 15% minimum corporate tax on some of the largest corporations in the country, ensuring they pay their fair share, as part of the Inflation Reduction Act.

11. Recommitted America to the global fight against climate change by rejoining the Paris Agreement.

12. Strengthened the NATO alliance in support of Ukraine after the Russian invasion by endorsing the inclusion of world military powers Sweden and Finland.

13. Gave Medicare power to negotiate prescription drug prices by the Inflation Reduction Act, reduced government health spending.

14. Held Vladimir Putin accountable for his invasion of Ukraine by imposing stiff economic sanctions.

15. Boosted the budget of the Internal Revenue Service by nearly $80 billion to reduce tax evasion and increase revenue.

16. Created more jobs in one year (6.6 million) than any other president in U.S. history.

17. Reduced healthcare premiums under the Affordable Care Act by $800 a year as part of the American Rescue Plan.

18. Signed the PACT Act to address service members’ exposure to burn pits and other toxins.

19. Signed the CHIPS and Science Act to strengthen American manufacturing and innovation.

20. Reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act through 2027.

21. Halted all federal executions after the previous administration reinstated them after a 17-year freeze.

If you would like to see Pres. Biden continue in his work for the American people, would like to get involved with this campaign, or just want to know more about it, please click on to this link

As Granny D once stated, “Democracy is not something we have, it is something we do.” Just so you know . . .

By Bobby Williams, 4 November 2023

Here is an excerpt from the questionnaire I filled out for the Keene Sentinel about why I am running for reelection to the City Council.

I’m running for city council because the sidewalks in ward 2 are a danger to pedestrians, and I aim to get them fixed.

I’m running because rent is up 22% in five years, and it’s time we built more housing in this city.

I’m running because some of the densest neighborhoods on the East Side no longer have living street trees, and I want to work on a new plan to restore our urban forest canopy to good health.

I’m running because multi-modal infrastructure is vital to the long-term sustainability of Keene, and someone needs to defend the place of bike lanes in our downtown project.

I’m running because overdose deaths continue to climb, and we need to direct resources toward harm reduction and expanding avenues to recovery.

I’m running because it’s important to public safety that the city and county get on the same page with respect to EMS service. That’s a relationship which is going to need significant repair, with concessions from all parties.

And I’m running for city council because Keene’s best days are ahead of us. I want to be there to help make them happen.

The election is Tuesday. If you live in Keene's Ward 2, I'd appreciate your vote.

By Terri O'Rorke, 2 November 2023

Dictatorship: “An autocratic form of government which is characterized by a leader, or a group of leaders, who hold governmental powers with few to no limitations. Politics in a dictatorship are controlled by a dictator, and they are facilitated through an inner circle of elites that includes advisers, generals, and other high-ranking officials. The dictator maintains control by influencing and appeasing the inner circle and repressing any opposition, which may include rival political parties, armed resistance, or disloyal members of the dictator's inner circle. Dictatorships can be formed by a military coup that overthrows the previous government through force or they can be formed by a self-coup in which elected leaders make their rule permanent. Dictatorships are authoritarian or totalitarian and they can be classified as military dictatorshipsone-party dictatorshipspersonalist dictatorships, or absolute monarchies.”

The Heritage Foundation: Founded in 1973, it is an American activist conservative think tank based in Washington, DC. It took a leading role in the conservative movement in the 1980s during Ronald Reagan’s presidency, whose policies were taken from Heritage Foundation studies, including its Mandate for Leadership.

What does all this have to do with Project 2025 and dictatorships?

Well, the Heritage Foundation has had major influence in making public policy over the last 50 years. They are ranked among the most influential policy organizations in America. Another equally influential organization, Heritage Action, was founded in 2010. Their mission “is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values and a strong national defense.”

They list 7 challenges where they feel they can do the most good:
empower education choice (we’re already seeing a lot of that here in New Hampshire)
secure our borders and reduce crime (yup, right here in NH)
ensure free and fair elections (does that include gerrymandering?)
shrink regulations, spending and inflation (still trying to attack Social Security and Medicare/caid)
counter communist China 
rein in Big Tech
protect unborn life and families (but clearly not to the extent of gun violence prevention policies)

The Heritage Foundation recently released to the public it’s playbook on how to achieve all of the above-mentioned and more It is called "Project 2025" and is not only eye-opening but quite chilling. Most of it was authored by members of Trump’s administration putting loyalty to the President first and then the Constitution. “Moreover, while a candidate with elite credentials might seem ideal, the best one will be above all loyal to the President and the Constitution.”  (pg. 28) 

On Page 14 we are told, “Government should stop trying to substitute its own preferences for those of the people.” I’m sure most of us would not want to know what preferences a “government” of dictators wants.

On page 524, “Reinstate President Trump’s plan for opening most of the National Petroleum Reserve of Alaska to leasing and development.” Screw the environment, I guess. . .

“End the war on fossil fuels and domestically available minerals and facilitate their development on lands owned by Indians and Indian nations. End federal mandates and subsidies of electric vehicles.” (pg. 537)

Let’s not forget immigrants, (legal or illegal) and asylum seekers, “Repeal TPS (temporary protective status) designations. H-1B reform. Transform the program into an elite mechanism exclusively to bring in the “best and brightest” at the highest wages while simultaneously ensuring that U.S. workers are not being disadvantaged by the program. H-1B is a means only to supplement the U.S. economy and to keep companies competitive, not to depress U.S. labor markets artificially in certain industries. Employment authorization, along with the legislative proposal, take regulatory action to limit the classes of aliens eligible for work authorization.” (pgs. 150-151)

This is such a tiny excerpt of what is their vision of a future America in their 920 page playbook. Yes, I read a small amount and picked a few tidbits to share as there is just so much, much of which is disturbing. The word “elite” is used quite often, mostly in regards to higher up government officials. 

This is what we can expect in the future if conservatives gain more control than what they have now, Trump at CPAC Pitches Sending Military to Combat City Crime | Time and If Trump Is Reelected, His Aides Are Planning to Purge the Civil Service - Government Executive ( We already saw the latter happening with Cabinet member Betsy DeVos cutting staffing at the Dept. of Education and Postmaster General Louis DeJoy removing high-speed automated sorting equipment from hundreds of post offices, including here in NH.

I guess the choice is ours, do we want to keep and improve our democracy or continue our slow slide into fascism, a dictatorship?

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.Abraham Lincoln

Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

By Terri O'Rorke, 28 October 2023

Yellow flag laws:

In 2019, Maine signed its “yellow flag” law, allowing law enforcement to detain an individual who is suspected of being mentally ill and a possible danger to themselves and/or others. Police must initially have a medical practitioner (doctor) evaluate the individual, find them to be a threat or a danger, only then can a judge be petitioned to order the individual’s guns to be confiscated. The “yellow flag” law in Maine allows only law enforcement to petition a judge not family members. The state does not have a “red flag” law.

In Maine, people aged 21 and older are not required to get a permit in order to purchase, carry or possess a rifle, just like the AR15 used in the latest mass shooting, this time in Lewiston. 

Red flag laws:

Under individual state laws, courts are authorized to permit law enforcement to temporarily confiscate guns from individuals who are found by a judge to be a threat or danger to themselves and/or others. The request for this particular protective order can come from concerned relatives or friends whose loved one has talked of suicide or shooting others. Law enforcement may also petition a judge.

Here in New Hampshire we have no such laws, nor do we require permits for concealed or open carry for individuals who legally own guns. There is no required waiting period to buy a gun, nor is there a minimum age to own one. Federal law prohibits handgun ownership for those under the age of 18, however if your 6 year old is really hankering for Santa Claus to bring him a rifle this year, that’s perfectly acceptable.

Upon hearing about the latest United States mass shooting, Republicans in the NH House just shrugged it off. House Speaker Sherman Packard stated it was horrible but not a reason for gun reform here. Another representative from Windham, Bob Lynn (R) acknowledged it was a “terrible tragedy” but his mind hasn’t changed on firearms policy. He thinks the problem is the individual, not the gun and NH should be readily enforcing its regulations. But it sounds like NH has no existing regulations so what is this guy referring to? 

Sen. Kevin Avard (R-Nashua) is right about mental health needing to be more strongly addressed, however, he too, feels limiting gun ownership is not the solution, cavalierly stating, “If people want to kill, they’re going to find a way to do it.”

Sigh . . .

According to a January press release from Congressman Chris Pappas (D), “The state is receiving more than $1.3 million dollars for mental health programs, including to support teens in rural communities and reduce youth suicide.” This is through the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act signed into law on June 25, 2022 by President Joe Biden.

Let’s hope our current legislature puts some of that federal monies to good use so we, here in NH, don’t ever have to witness what so many others (to many others) already have.

Uvalde: AR-15
Buffalo: AR-15
Boulder: AR-15
Orlando: AR-15
Parkland: AR-15
Nashville: AR-15
Las Vegas: AR-15
Sandy Hook: AR-15
San Bernardino: AR-15
Midland/Odessa: AR-15
Colorado Springs: AR-15
Poway Synagogue: AR-15
Tree of Life Synagogue: AR-15
Lewiston: AR-15

New Hampshire lawmakers react to Lewiston shootings | New Hampshire Public Radio (

By Terri O'Rorke, 26 October 2023

100+ Women who Care Cheshire County was founded in 2016 and is associated with the 100 Who Care Alliance. They are also a part of over 700 “giving circles.”

Here in Keene, Project Home is a non-profit organization helping asylum seekers move from detention centers into caring homes and communities while waiting for their asylum hearings.

A little background on both organizations:

Women who Care meet four times a year for about an hour where each member donates a $50 check which will then be given to a local non-profit organization. How this works is, at each meeting members nominate an organization, the names are placed into a hat and three names are then drawn. Presentations are given about the organizations, questions (if any) are answered and then a vote for one is taken. The non-profit receiving the most votes, is given all the checks which are then made out to them.

“Project Home is a grassroots organization that helps asylum seekers move from detention centers into our communities and homes as they await their asylum hearings. We will welcome at least five asylum-seeking families or individuals in a given period of time, providing not only housing but legal, medical, educational and any other necessary support. We are creating a community-based model in the Monadnock Region and working with other organizations to develop a coalition that supports this work. This will serve as the foundation for replicating this model across New Hampshire, and eventually across the nation.” This is the Mission Statement from the Project Home website.

In 2019, Project Home became a busy non-profit organization dedicated to the needs of those guests who are seeking asylum here in America. Teams are assembled to supply support in various ways such as hosting a family (or a single person, or perhaps a parent and child), arranging for legal support, transporting them to services such as medical and mental health care, English as a second language classes, schools for children, and job training. Basic assimilation into a new community.

Recently, at the August 2023 meeting of 100+ Women Who Care Cheshire County, Project Home was chosen as the recipient of the quarterly donations totaling $18,130. This funding will go a long way in providing Project Home guests with the basic needs of food and shelter, education and legal support.

Guests and new members at 100+ Women who Care are always welcome. For more information about the group, visit or email To learn more, possibly become part of a team, or to donate go to the above mentioned Project Home website.

Congratulations Project Home and thank you Women who Care!

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” 

Emma Lazarus 1849-1887

By Terri O'Rorke, 26 October 2023

100+ Women who Care Cheshire County was founded in 2016 and is associated with the 100 Who Care Alliance. They are also a part of over 700 “giving circles.”

Here in Keene, Project Home is a non-profit organization helping asylum seekers move from detention centers into caring homes and communities while waiting for their asylum hearings.

A little background on both organizations:

Women who Care meet four times a year for about an hour where each member donates a $50 check which will then be given to a local non-profit organization. How this works is, at each meeting members nominate an organization, the names are placed into a hat and three names are then drawn. Presentations are given about the organizations, questions (if any) are answered and then a vote for one is taken. The non-profit receiving the most votes, is given all the checks which are then made out to them.

“Project Home is a grassroots organization that helps asylum seekers move from detention centers into our communities and homes as they await their asylum hearings. We will welcome at least five asylum-seeking families or individuals in a given period of time, providing not only housing but legal, medical, educational and any other necessary support. We are creating a community-based model in the Monadnock Region and working with other organizations to develop a coalition that supports this work. This will serve as the foundation for replicating this model across New Hampshire, and eventually across the nation.” This is the Mission Statement from the Project Home website.

In 2019, Project Home became a busy non-profit organization dedicated to the needs of those guests who are seeking asylum here in America. Teams are assembled to supply support in various ways such as hosting a family (or a single person, or perhaps a parent and child), arranging for legal support, transporting them to services such as medical and mental health care, English as a second language classes, schools for children, and job training. Basic assimilation into a new community.

Recently, at the August 2023 meeting of 100+ Women Who Care Cheshire County, Project Home was chosen as the recipient of the quarterly donations totaling $18,130. This funding will go a long way in providing Project Home guests with the basic needs of food and shelter, education and legal support.

Guests and new members at 100+ Women who Care are always welcome. For more information about the group, visit or email To learn more, possibly become part of a team, or to donate go to the above mentioned Project Home website.

Congratulations Project Home and thank you Women who Care!

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” 

Emma Lazarus 1849-1887

By Bobby Williams, 20 October 2023

On October 5 there was a public hearing that came before the Keene City Council on the proposed rezoning of a lot off of Ashuelot Street. Locals will recall this spot as a big empty concrete overflow parking lot for the mall, back when there was a mall, and which has recently been replaced by a big lawn adjacent to Ashuelot River Park. 

Two thirds of the 3.5 acre property was donated to the city last year to become parkland. I was one of four Councilors who voted against accepting that property, although ten others voted in favor.  So now that land will be expanding a city park, which is nice, but not as nice as becoming new apartments that people can live in.

The proposal before us now is to convert the rest of the property from high-density residential zoning to commercial zoning, so that the space could be developed into a headquarters for the Monadnock Conservancy.

While the Monadnock Conservancy does important work stewarding habitat in our region, I just don’t like this project. 

My concern is that, at a time when we are facing a simultaneous housing shortage and oversupply of commercial space, the Conservancy is building a suburban-style office building on a piece of land in our city’s walkable urban core. A far better use of that spot would be to build a family-oriented apartment complex.

Think about it. A fact of our age is that young families can’t afford starter homes anymore. But what may be in reach would be two and three-bedroom apartments near the center of town, adjacent to the Ashuelot River Park and featuring some of Keene’s only waterfront views, that can provide a supportive community and a fun place for kids to grow up.

The Monadnock Conservancy project doesn’t offer any of that. By displacing potential urban apartments, they are squeezing new housing development out to the city’s edges, consuming far greater amounts of land and energy and fostering car-dependent lifestyles that put pressure on the city’s roads and parking capacity.

Thus, while the building is going to be LEED certified and the parking lot is going to be covered in solar panels, that kind of green halo doesn’t really cancel out the much greater effect of bad land use decisions. This project is not actually green. 

An actually green option would be to save the prime housing location for housing, and for the Monadnock Conservancy to instead move to one of the several commercial properties that are currently for sale down on Main Street. I really hope that happens.

By Terri O'Rorke, 20 October 2023

If the recent pandemic has highlighted anything (actually many anything’s) one issue would be the need for more child care providers who are paid a livable wage throughout the state. Here in Keene a new program was recently begun by the Monadnock Economic Development Corporation with those in rural areas in mind. The idea is to bring child care services into private homes with the aid of tax credits and grants. The goal is to make available financial assistance for health and safety improvements to private homes while they receive child care and business training. 

Any money appropriated from selling tax credits goes for renovations that are a requirement for health and safety codes. For those who need assistance in navigating the process of child care licensing, a grant through the NH Charitable Foundation pays for a consultant. Additionally, Keene State College and Monadnock United Way both acquired funding to increase their training in early childhood education. 

This past June, the state budget included $60.5 million to help increase the number of providers, their expenses and financial assistance to families looking for child care. In Sept., the Executive Council approved a project proposed by the NH Dept. of Health and Human Services (DHHS). According to Karen Hebert, director of the DHHS Division of Economic Stability, Granite United Way in Manchester was awarded $1.5 million. This money will be used to involve employers in expansion efforts of child care services.    

On Wednesday, the Executive Council approved a request from the NHDHHS offer of a one-time financial assistance to those who have child care services in their homes and to child care facilities. This is $3.6 million in federal money which is in addition to the more than $100 million NH had previously funded for the expansion of child care services since the pandemic. Providers will have to apply for it and the money can be used to get back some operating expenses sustained between Mar. 3, 2021 and Sept. 30, 2023. 

Allowable expenses, (according to the department’s request), include building or expansion of outdoor space; repairs, renovations or maintenance; lease or long-term mortgage payments; and training or software for the business. The goal is for this assistance to allow child care providers to hire and retain more employees. In the past, requests were made to lawmakers by these providers for extra financial assistance. 

The lack of child care providers came to the attention of the Legislature and resulted in House Speaker Sherman Packard to form a special legislative committee. The committee was formed this past Jan. with the goal of finding ways how to address this ongoing crisis. Legislation is expected to be brought in January, 2024 concerning child care scholarship program for families; staff to child ratios; and increasing child care providers. 

The DHHS will post the application on, which is a resource website for providers and families in need of child care. These new awards will be based in part on the amount of children providers serve. The deadline to apply will be Dec. 1 at 4:30 p.m.

By Terri O'Rorke, 15 October 2023

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), there are fifteen known hate groups in New Hampshire. A little more than half are statewide with the remaining in towns such as Gilford, Manchester and Richmond (to name a few). Some of these groups are listed as “anti-government” others just “general” hate. This article will introduce us to the New Hampshire chapter of Proud Boys, whose “general” hate is directed throughout the state.

Their website has a Youtube presentation given by original Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes, which was founded in 2016. They call themselves the NH Proud Boys, Sons of Liberty and consider themselves to be a patriotic organization celebrating American values and traditions. One of their beliefs on their website is “Venerating the Housewife,” the women who work tirelessly caring for their families and work to keep their homes running smoothly.  

Yeah, I guess they would view that as a traditional, American value, honoring the housewife.

They would also like to end welfare, believing this would encourage people to work hard and contribute to society while promoting independence and self-sufficiency. OK, how about we tank welfare AFTER every employee in every employment situation in every state earns a living wage to comfortably afford food, housing, day care, health needs not covered by insurance, schooling (either for themselves or their children), car payments/transportation and anything else that life tends to throw at a human being.

They would like to see censorship outlawed as they feel censorship only suppresses ideas and stifles progress. No word on how they feel about book-banning but they are not overly fond of drag queens reading a book to kids. 

They profess to have zero tolerance for racism, believing every individual, regardless of their race, ethnicity or cultural background, deserves to be treated with dignity, fairness and respect. Well, I guess in the summer of 2021that belief went out the window as these NH Proud Boys had begun to attend the Nashua Board of Education meetings by either standing at the back of the room or milling around outside. Several were photographed wearing hats, sunglasses and masks to hide their identities no doubt, with one member flashing the “WP” (white power) sign. They reportedly mocked and insulted various Board members which included Raymond Guarino, a Latino and Gloria Timmons, president of the Nashua chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Yeah, so much for zero tolerance.

Their website claims to be a pro-Western, libertarian social club for men, proudly proclaiming to be “Western chauvinists who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.” 

Yeah, I guess “housewives” need not apply. Can’t say we weren’t given a heads-up . . .

Many of these members of various groups, not just the NH Proud Boys, but also the Liberty Alliance and Free State Project, have infiltrated our local and state government. Larger cities throughout NH will be holding local elections on Nov. 7. Be as aware as you can be about the backgrounds of those who are on your ballot.

Our democracy depends on all of us!

“Democracy is not something we have, it is something we do.” -Granny D