Snippets from Project 2025

By Terri O'Rorke, 18 July 2024
Project 2025 cover

Heritage Foundation, donors: The Adolph Coors Foundation (beer) is a long-time funder of The Heritage Foundation. Additionally, they receive funding from Altria (formerly known as Philip Morris Tobacco Co.) the Bradley Foundation, Exxon Mobile, the Koch Family Foundations and the Walton family (Wal-Mart).

Heritage Foundation is a 501 (c) (3), which means they are prohibited from participating in politics and political campaigns. The Heritage Foundation is a key sponsor of this past week’s RNC Convention in Wisconsin. Oops . . .

What they have in mind:

  • Put Medicare on the path to privatization
  • Repeal Pres. Biden’s Medicare drug price negotiation program
  • Threaten Medicaid coverage for hundreds of thousands of Americans
  • Reverse student debt relief efforts (Page 327)
  • Withdraw from the UN Framework Convention on climate change and the Paris Climate Agreement
  • Repeal the Inflation Reduction Act
  • Scrap greenhouse gas regulations, gut clean energy programs (Page 365)
  • Replace White House climate advisor with one focused on advancing the fossil fuel industry
  • Gut federal workforce, installing loyalists by making thousands of civil servants eligible for firing at will
  • Allow deployment of the military against American citizens
  • Allow ICE to conduct raids at churches, schools, playgrounds, hospitals and other sensitive areas
  • Federal government to establish marriage between a man and a woman as the “ideal, natural family structure” (Page 451)
  • Withdraw federal anti-discrimination protections for transgender students
  • Eliminate the Office of Emergency Management, reassign its functions (Page 433)
  • Reimplement transgender military ban, and expel transgender service members
  • Reverse FDA’s approval of abortion medication (Page 458)
  • Invoke a 150yo defunct law called “the Comstock Act” to ban the shipment of abortion pills (Page 459)
  • Force states to report the reason for every abortion performed (Page 455)
  • Allow states to ban employers from providing health benefits that provide abortion care
  • Eliminate grant programs for energy storage and the testing of grid-enhancing technologies (Page 374)
  • Remove energy efficiency standards for appliances (Page 378)
  • Eliminate the Head Start Program (Page 482)


This is just the tip of the iceberg for what this group of conservative “Christian” Nationalists have in mind for America. Educate yourself and be sure to vote accordingly!