Targeting EV charging - that didn't take long

By Terri O'Rorke, 15 February 2025
Charging Stations

In March of last year, I wrote an article about the federal monies coming into New Hampshire through the Infrastructure, Investments and Jobs Act, passed into law by Pres. Biden. Money to be allocated for bridge and road repairs, cleaning up “brownfields,” modernizing airport infrastructure and (among other things) building a statewide network of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. 

That’s almost $18 million in federal money the state is to receive for EV charging stations, with another $14 million over the next few years. The Federal Highway Administration has now put a stop to spending federal money on EV charging stations. The Trump “administration” decided to review the program and on Jan. 20, halted billions in funding for the nationwide construction of EV charging stations, already allocated to states through Pres. Biden’s programs. Trump has referred to EV charging station construction as “an incredible waste of taxpayer dollars.”

In the meantime, NH’s $2.8 million National Vehicle Infrastructure Grant program Phase 1 has been put on hold. This had been planned since 2022 and was to begin this summer, after Governor and Executive Council approval. The state was expecting to receive $17.2 million over five years to build more EV charging stations, according to US Dept. of Transportation reports.

Last month, NH was awarded a federal $15 million Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Grant. That too, is on hold as we wait for word or guidance from the federal government. According to federal and state data, NH has the fourth-lowest ratio of public EV charging stations to registered electric vehicles in the nation. 
As an example, here’s a few New England states: 

Ct. – 1,233 charging stations            3,546 charging ports
Mass. – 3,549 charging stations       8,573 charging ports
Me. – 525 charging stations              1,211 charging ports
even little Rhody has more - 338 stations and 794 ports

NH? – 281 charging stations             717 charging ports

These charging stations are essential in supporting EV owners and the transition to clean energy.

Congressional representatives, businesses and tourist officials all across NH viewed this as a way to attract more tourists and folks looking to relocate to our state, thereby increasing the state’s economy. Not to mention all the jobs that would’ve been generated. 

New Hampshire initially applied for the CFI Grant awards in 2023, becoming one of seven states who received their first CFI grant disbursement in January. The grant money was to be used to boost public EV charging station infrastructure throughout the state. The state’s goal was to improve availability to EV charging stations across nine regions and installing 199 more charging ports.

All the good work Pres. Biden did for the country as a whole, is now placed on “hold” by a convicted felon. Elections DO have consequences, some of which are not so good.

But here’s a good note to end on . . .

Earlier in the week, I wrote about some crazy education bills that were in legislative committee hearings. One bill included HB 415, the one about removing requirements for schools to provide menstrual products in restrooms. I can’t help but ask again, who DOES that to young girls? 

Anyway, due to online activism 1,702 people opposed this bill with only 23 supporting it! (Who ARE these mean people?) The House Education Policy and Administration Committee ended up voting unanimously against it! A good win for activism! 

So, let’s continue to take a few moments when the opportunity arises and express YOUR opinion!