Here we go again! Public education is back in the cross-hairs! Did it ever really leave? Another “call to action”, there will be plenty of these coming up this session and we need EVERYONE’S voice!
HB 283 is being heard Mon. Feb. 10th at 1:30 pm before the House Education Policy and Administration Committee. HB 283 is a re-hash of a bill that was defeated a few years ago but has been dusted off and taken out again. Now they want to cut required educational programs at public schools to the bare bones limiting them to the core subjects of English, history, math and science. Music, art, physical education, and other subjects are bound for the chopping block. Sadly, many districts struggle financially, this will be their reality as it further exacerbates the difference in quality of education by zip code problems that New Hampshire currently suffers from. All students deserve a quality, well-rounded education, not just some children. This bill attempts to remove the definition of an adequate education, allowing the state to further evade its responsibility to properly fund public schools. This bill is sponsored by Liberty Alliance member Rep. Dan McGuire R-Epsom.
Here's a stupid one proposed by Liberty Alliance member Rep. Katy Peternel R-Wolfeboro that should be vehemently opposed. HB 415 would remove requirements for schools to provide menstrual products in restrooms. Would that be for public schools only? And who does that to young girls? This one is up for a hearing on Wed. Feb. 12th before the House Education Policy and Administration Committee. Please be sure to oppose this nonsense.
Action Needed: Contact the House Education Policy and Administration Committee and register your opposition. Click SUBMIT YOUR POSITION TO A HOUSE COMMITTEE HERE.
SB 295 is a universal school voucher bill being heard in the Senate Education Finance Committee on Wed., Feb. 12th at 3:20 pm. Vouchers are an unaccountable, second education system that takes public money and gives it to private schools and companies, all while we continue to starve our local neighborhood public schools of desperately needed resources. (Refer to paragraph above.) Universal school vouchers would go to any family, even millionaires, and will likely cost an additional $100 million each year in State spending on unaccountable private education placements. Anti-public education extremist politicians are looking to give our tax dollars to the ultra-wealthy instead of supporting public schools. As they have been doing since Frank Edleblut was appointed Education Commissioner. This bill is sponsored by Free Stater Sen. Victoria Sullivan R-Manchester.
Action Needed: Help to protect public education. Click SUBMIT YOUR POSITION TO A SENATE COMMITTEE HERE.
To submit your position to a House Committee, click SUBMIT YOUR POSITION TO A HOUSE COMMITTEE HERE.
· Fill in your Personal Information
· Select the correct date and committee for the hearing by clicking on it in the Meeting Schedule Calendar (make sure you are on the right week!). [Select Bill # and select date].
· In the dropbox below "Select the Committee," select committee.
· In the dropbox below "Choose the Bill," select the correct time and bill number.
· Select the correct option for the "I am" dropbox (likely "Member of the Public").
· Fill in the content box under "I'm Representing" with the business, organization, or group you are representing. If you are representing yourself, write "myself."
· Under the “Indicate Your Position on this Bill,” check the circle stating your position on the bill. “I Oppose this Bill” or “I Support this Bill”
· After filling in all appropriate dropboxes, click “Submit.”
After clicking submit, you will be brought to the next page, where you fill in the content boxes with your first and last name, your town, state, and email address.
· Press “Continue.”
· If you wish to speak during the hearing to present testimony, you need to attend in person at the State House, but you upload your testimony if you cannot attend.
Thank you for speaking up for those who are to young to do so right now.