Rally for Reproductive Rights

By Terri O'Rorke, 10 June 2024
Woman with sign that reads "Is sad that I have fewer rights than a gun"

Two years ago this month, the Supreme Court of the United States did what many elected Republican officials had been hankering for, for nearly fifty years. They overturned Roe v. Wade, taking away basic rights for women and families to make their own healthcare and pregnancy decisions.

For nearly a dozen states, an abortion ban went into effect immediately. Other states, in the grip of regressive Republican rule, began the process of enacting their own misogynistic laws. 

New Hampshire was no exception. Earlier this year, two extreme anti-abortion bills were defeated, as was a bill whose purpose was to “enshrine” abortion rights in our state constitution. I’m sure the extremists will spend the summer crafting other ways to bring women under their thumb.

In response to this extremism, “Monadnock for Choice” came into existence. Their goal is to make abortion access in NH a permanent healthcare choice. They are keeping an eye on proposed legislation which would concern access to women’s healthcare rights and are determined to stay public with all information. 

Monadnock for Choice is sponsoring a rally on Saturday, June 22, 12-1, Central Square, Keene. If you would like to become involved, send an email: monadnockforchoice@gmail.com. But above all, please share this information with others.