Defeated, but not silenced!

By Terri O'Rorke, 1 February 2024
Keep your bans off our bodies

On Thursday, February 1, three bills addressing abortion were defeated in the New Hampshire House. 

CACR 23 was sponsored by Rep. Amanda Toll (D-Keene), whose bill would have protected abortion rights up to 24 weeks, by adding an amendment to the state constitution. Abortion is presently banned after 24 weeks, except in the case of a deadly abnormality in the fetus or the health of the mother is in jeopardy. Three-fifths of a majority vote was needed for a constitutional amendment but still wasn’t enough even with a 193-184 majority win. 

Rep. David Testerman (R-Franklin) had sponsored House Bill 1248, which was meant to institute a 15-day abortion ban. Most mothers would attest to the fact they had no idea they were pregnant at barely two weeks, this one included! This legislation was “indefinitely postponed” by a vote of 363-11.

Rep. Testerman continued with his losing streak by sponsoring House Bill 1541 which aimed to hinder abortion access after 15 weeks. This legislation would have required an abortion take place at a hospital that has a premature birth intensive care unit along with another doctor in attendance. This too, failed with a voice vote.

For those who don’t know, there are just two hospitals in NH with an intensive care unit for premature babies or neonatals, Dartmouth Hospital in Lebanon and Eliot Hospital in Manchester.

In the Senate, Sen. Debra Altschiller (D-Stratham) has proposed Senate Bill 575. This bill aims to forbid NH officials from collaborating with others from out-of-state who want to curtail birth control and abortion. The Senator is also the sponsor of CACR 24, a constitutional amendment which proposes to add language to protect the right of an individual to reproductive autonomy.

Stay tuned, the fight for women’s reproductive rights are far from over in New Hampshire!