Chris Sununu totally would have wrastled down the Chinese spy balloon with his bare hands

By Bobby Williams, 6 February 2023
Chinese spy balloon over Myrtle Beach by Russotp

Gov. Chris Sununu is probably a smart man but you would never know it from his penchant for embracing whatever stupid talking point is in circulation on FOX News that week.  

In the past, he's gone deep on spouting racist, right-wing conspiracy theories about "CRT" in public education

And remember that time he was all "we should make sure unvaccinated people are able to work in nursing homes" because he wanted to mollify all the covid-encouraging anger bears in his party? 

In this week's episode of "Sununu Performs Conservative Outrage", our Fearless Governor is on a national Sunday-morning talk show claiming he would have shot down the Chinese spy balloon much better than that silly old Joe Biden did.


At this point in a post, a better blogger might draw a metaphor between the Chinese spy balloon getting shot down and the eventual fate of Chris Sununu's aspirations at running for president.  Honestly, I can't be bothered.

All I can say is, get ready for a lot more of this kind of silliness from our Governor as primary season gets into gear.