Sununu bails on presidential race

By Bobby Williams, 5 June 2023
Gov. Chris Sununu and Pres. Donald Trump

After weeks of running for President – touring the country, media events, raising the money – Governor Chris Sununu now says he’s not running for President. 

Which is great, because Chris Sununu should not be President. Four years of his abortion double-talk, ballooning fossil fuel subsidies, sabotage of the public education system, and generally insufferable smugness is not what this country needs.

No, Chris Sununu now says that he’s not going to run for President because “beating Trump is more important.”

“If he is the nominee, Republicans will lose again,” Sununu wrote in the Washington Post.  “Just as we did in 2018, 2020 and 2022. This is indisputable, and I am not willing to let it happen without a fight.”

He's not wrong about that, but its interesting to me that Sununu’s objection to Trump is not that Trump is bad for the United States of America. Rather, his objection is that Trump is bad for the Republican Party. 

Sununu has not changed the position that he has stated all along, which is that he’ll support Trump if Trump is the Republican nominee. And Trump undoubtedly will win the nomination, because the bottom line is that Republican voters love the guy.

If top Republicans were really opposed Trump, they would make it clear that they will oppose him no matter what – that they would support even Joe Biden over Trump – because country is more important than party.

But no Republican will do that, because party loyalty always comes above patriotism. And so it is the case with Chris Sununu.