Support HR 282 to extend Medicaid and CHIP to the children of asylum seekers

By Bobby Williams, 31 January 2023
New Hampshire Capital Dome

I first got to know my neighbor and NH State Representative, Joe Schapiro (D-Keene), from our work together on Project Home, helping asylum seekers become part of our community. Building humanity into our immigration system is a cause that Joe and I both care deeply about.

Rep. Joe Shapiro
Rep. Joe Schapiro

Now Joe has a bill before committee that would enable the children of asylum seekers to be eligible for health insurance coverage. It would also provide coverage to asylum seekers who are pregnant.  

HR 282, co-sponsored by Reps Amanda Toll (D-Keene), Jonah Wheeler (D-Peterborough), and others, "directs the department of health and human services to submit state plan amendments under Medicaid and CHIP to provide coverage to children and pregnant women lawfully residing in the United States."

Things you can do:

  • Attend the hearing: Wednesday, February 1 at 1:00 p.m. in Legislative Office Building, Room 210-211
  • Sign in remotely on the day of the hearing to Support this bill: Online Testimony Submission

  • Email the Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee: