Grafton County Candidates

By Terri O'Rorke, 7 September 2024
New Hampshire House Chamber

We’ve already referenced Republican candidates for office from four other counties, now we move along to those in Grafton County. 

District 1:
-Littleton, Joseph Barton
-Littleton, Calvin Beaulier, member of Liberty Alliance, is against the same issues as fellow Republicans; stricter gun laws, capital gains tax, increasing minimum wage, no state run stores for the sale of legal pot, but he’s for private sales and school vouchers.
-Littleton, Darrell Louis
-Sugar Hill, Samuel Mealey

District 2:
-Bethlehem, Eddie Qi

District 3:
-Woodstock, Bonnie Ham, surprisingly, she is against school vouchers, not surprisingly she is also against conditional affidavit ballots for new voters and raising the minimum wage. 
-Lincoln, Paul Schirduan, supports and is against the same issues.

District 4:
-Thornton, Stephen Babin, supports school vouchers but is undecided on where he stands concerning a woman’s reproductive health rights. Is against taking action on climate change and conditional affidavit ballots for new voters.

District 5:
-Haverhill, Rick Ladd, incumbent and Liberty Alliance member, is against any legalizing pot, stricter gun laws, climate change action and increasing the minimum wage, however all in for school vouchers.
-Haverhill, Greg Mathieson, lists himself as a Capitol Hill Correspondent; author; farmer; photographer; TV network producer. Is president of Mathieson and Associates, Inc.
-Haverhill, Marie Bjelobrk, is for and against the same issues.

District 6:
-Wentworth, Linda Franz

District 7:
-Campton, Jon Gablinske, supports school vouchers, local immigration enforcement and surprisingly increasing funding for child care providers. Against similar issues as others.

District 8:
-Ashland, Timothy Sweetsir, is against stricter gun laws but supports local immigration enforcement.

District 9:
-Canaan, Kevin Howard

District 10:
-Bristol, John Sellers, incumbent and member of Young Americans for Liberty (YAL), supports and is against similar issues.

District 11:
-Grafton, Lex Berezhny, incumbent, Liberty Alliance and YAL member, supports and is against similar issues.

District 18:
-Orange, Donald McFarlane, Liberty Alliance member, supports and is against similar issues.

New Hampshire Primary is Tuesday, Sept. 10th. If you haven’t voted by absentee yet, be sure to take the time to vote in person and do your part to preserve our democracy!

“Every election is determined by the people who show up.”
Larry Sabato, political scientist