Electric vehicles, a coming wave

By Terri O'Rorke, 14 January 2023

An electric vehicle (EV) uses one or more electric motors to drive the car. It can be powered independently by a battery system, using solar panels or by changing fuel to electricity. Another way is to use a collector system using electricity from extravehicular sources. EV’s are believed to be the technology that could decarbonize road and highway transportation, which accounts for 16% of global emissions. 

There are many modes of EV transportation now including rail and road vehicles, nautical and electric aircraft and spacecraft. There’s a “Moonbike” that is part bike, part snowmobile, in addition to trucks, cars and motorcycles. The auto industry has been looking into electrification plans in order to comply with policy regulations while keeping a competitive position in a changing market. In 2021 quite a few automakers proclaimed their goal of going all electric in the future. This could mean a larger range of models to choose from along with more competitive prices. 

This has all led to a huge growth in the electric vehicle industry and the need for nationwide EV charging stations. In 2021, the availability of these stations increased by nearly 40%. 

Here in New Hampshire, Senate Bill 52, a proposal to jump start investment in electric vehicle infrastructure, is scheduled for a hearing before the Transportation Committee next week. Thanks to Clean Energy – NH you can find the text of SB52 here.

Call or email your representatives to let them know you support this critical step to keep our state competitive as EV adoption accelerates here in New England and nationwide.

You can find your Senator and their contact information here and your House member(s) here.

EV info sourced from www.iea.org/reports/electric-vehicles