Call to Action – Eliminating the NH Vaccine Association

By Terri O'Rorke, 14 February 2025
Vial of vaccine

I realize many of today’s parents have different ideas and feelings about vaccinating their children. So, if you are against childhood vaccinations, this may not be the article for you.

That said, there are some bills lurking on the horizon that are meant to destroy childhood vaccination requirements. As of this writing there are 89.2% kindergarteners up to date on all required vaccinations, according to the state’s health department. To prevent outbreaks of highly infectious diseases, that number should be about 95%.

The state purchases vaccines for children through the NH Vaccine Association, then provides them to doctors free of charge. This is done through federal funds and payments from insurers, estimated to annually be about $24 million. Doctors are then able to vaccinate pediatric patients for free. That’s what the Association does, collect money and fund children’s vaccinations.

Proposed legislation HB 524, is looking to repeal that. The sponsor is Liberty Alliance member Rep. Michael Granger R-Milton and his bill is to repeal the NH Vaccine Association. He claims it will save taxpayers money. Speaking in favor of the bill was anti-vaccine activist, Laura Condon, NH’s director of advocacy for The National Vaccine Information Center, a nonprofit advocacy organization that believes vaccines cause autism.

There is much push back on this from the medical community, the worry being more obstacles for vaccines resulting in health risks for children. According to the state’s health department, costs would rise if the program were repealed. Additionally, the state would have to spend an estimated extra $100,000 a year to purchase vaccines for disaster relief efforts and any outbreaks. 

The state would still be able to purchase vaccines for uninsured children and those covered by Medicaid using federal funds. However, children covered by private insurance are out of luck.

This flies in the face of the governor’s recent budget speech about “belt-tightening.”

Another bill is HB 664, sponsored by Liberty Alliance and Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) member Rep. Yuri Polozov R-Hooksett. “This bill provides that childhood immunization requirements shall not require a vaccine that has not been tested with an inert placebo in clinical trials.” 

HB 679 “provides that no childhood immunization requirement shall require a vaccine that has not been shown in clinical trials to prevent transmission of any disease.” Most vaccines do not prevent transmission, they do however, help to lessen symptoms and in some cases prevent death. This bill is coming from Liberty Alliance and YAL member Rep. Kelley Potenza R-Rochester. 

These bills are still in the Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee. If you want to register your opposition or support, the Chairman is Liberty Alliance member Rep. Wayne MacDonald R-Londonderry.
The vice-chair is Rep. Lisa Mazur R-Weare.

This is one way to be an activist and express your opinion!