Well, this is timely...

By Terri O'Rorke, 4 April 2024
Pride flag

My latest article, “Unity House” had no sooner been posted when I received an email from ACLU-NH with the following request. And it all has to do with LGBTQ rights which have been under attack in the legislature. 

On Friday, April 5, the New Hampshire Senate will vote on several bills that are just simply cruel in their attacks on LGBTQ rights. The five bills being voted on are – SB 304, SB 341, SB 375, SB 524, and SB 562. This proposed legislation would open avenues for discrimination, harassment, and segregation. Everyone, no matter who you are, deserves better than laws that would violate their rights to equal protection under the law.

Additionally, this proposed legislation attacks crucial healthcare for many transgender people, safe healthcare which has been backed by decades of research and supported by every major medical association. The ACLU-NH has been fighting MORE than 15 anti-LGBTQ and anti-trans bills in the State House this year alone. 

And it’s only the beginning of April!

Will you email your state senator now and tell them to support LGBTQ rights and oppose every single one of the bills?

Takes only a moment to do . . .