Cheshire and Coos County

By Terri O'Rorke, 26 August 2024
NH State Capitol

Cheshire County, District 2:
-Keene, Nathan Carbone
District 4:
-Keene, Thomas Savastano, supports school vouchers and decreasing business taxes 
District 5:
-Walpole, William Sommer
District 6:
-Chesterfield, Sean Graves
District 9:
-Alstead, Richard Nalevenko, member of Liberty Alliance, is against stricter gun laws, increasing minimum wage, taxing capital gains, supports decreasing the business tax and school vouchers
District 10:
-Swanzey, Sly Karansinski, against climate change action and anything to do with pot
-Swanzey, Dan Leclair, this guy is against pretty much everything except for legalizing pot, he’s all in
District 11:
-Winchester, Zachary Nutting, incumbent, Liberty Alliance member, another one who is against expanding net metering opportunities, encouraging local zoning changes for housing, climate change action, stricter gun laws, loves those school vouchers though . . .
District 12:
-Troy, Dick Thackston, incumbent, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) member, against just about everything and votes that way, can’t decide whether to increase funding for child care providers, but is a fan of school vouchers
District 13:
-Dublin, Don Primrose, supports abortion before 24 weeks
 and school vouchers, undecided about increasing minimum wage and climate change action
District 14:
-Rindge, John Hunt, incumbent, Liberty Alliance member, he’s against just about everything and votes that way, in support of school vouchers and legalizing pot
District 15:
-Keene, Jerry Sickels, endorsed by the anti-government group “We the People,” is against a lot of the same issues
-Walpole, John W. Winter, former field director for the Don Bolduc (remember him?) Senate campaign, no legalizing pot but supports increasing minimum wage, no stricter gun laws but supports school vouchers
District 17:
-Winchester, Jennifer Rhodes, incumbent, against anything that would benefit her constituents and votes that way, however, supports legalizing pot for state run sales and school vouchers
District 18:
-Rindge, James Qualey, incumbent, Liberty Alliance and YAL member, is against and supports the same issues, votes that way
-Dublin, Rita Mattson, against all things pot, stricter gun laws, raising minimum wage, climate change action but all in for school vouchers

Coos County, District 1:
-Northumberland, Sean Durkin, incumbent, Liberty Alliance member, against climate change, increasing minimum wage and stricter gun laws, a school voucher guy 
-Northumberland, James Tierney, Jr. incumbent, mostly against or undecided on same issues, except for school vouchers, all in
District 2:
-Milan, Arnold Davis, incumbent, against abortion, climate change action, expanding net metering and increasing minimum wage, another school voucher guy
District 3:
-Colebrook, Mike Ouelett, incumbent, Liberty Alliance member, is against and supports same issues
District 4:
-Whitefield, Seth King, incumbent, Liberty Alliance member, same as the others
District 5:
-Berlin, Peter Morency
-Berlin, Brian Valerino
District 6:
-Gorham, Michael Murphy, incumbent, same as the others
District 7:
-Berlin, Lori Korzen, endorsed by anti-government group, “We the People,” supports school vouchers and conditional affidavit ballots for new voters

Knowledge is power, especially in the voting booth! Next time, Grafton County.