
By Terri O'Rorke, 15 May 2024
Black and white American flag

Whether it’s local, state or federal, this year’s upcoming elections will determine if New Hampshire, along with the rest of the United States goes full blown fascist or works to strengthen our democracy which has been under attack. 

As many of you know, I have written about the Free Staters, members of the Liberty Alliance and Young Americans for Liberty organizations here in New Hampshire. There have been articles showcasing how many of these members, who are in our local government, have voted. A majority of these votes are to the detriment of the average citizen. 

But how can one determine if the candidate, running for re-election or is a first timer, is anti-democracy? The following checklist is from “Granite State Matters”:

How to Identify Anti-Democracy Candidates

Watch for a candidate who wants to:

  • DEFUND, CLOSE OR TOTALLY DEREGULATE what they’re elected to run. For instance, a zoning board candidate might point out a harmful zoning law and then conclude that all zoning regulations should be repealed.
  • HARASS OR THREATEN those managing the town, county, or other employees. For instance, they may demand extra reviews, audits, copies, meetings or forms.
  • PROMOTE anti-intellectual and anti-scientific attitudes and policies. (Ivermectin, sunshine and bleach immediately come to mind. My words, not Granite State Matters.)
  • HIDE FROM TAXPAYER SCRUTINY the use or outcomes from taxpayer spending, such as educational vouchers.
  • MAKE ELECTIONS AND VOTING MORE DIFFICULT by requiring hand counts, unusual documentation, complicating absentee voting and so on.

Simply put, know your candidate to the best of your ability.


“Mere passive citizenship is not enough. Men must be aggressive for what is right if government is to be saved from those who are aggressive for what is wrong.”   

Robert La Follette, Aug. 11, 1924, a lawyer and Republican politician from Wisconsin.