New Hampshire Proud Boys

By Terri O'Rorke, 15 October 2023
Outline of New Hampshire

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), there are fifteen known hate groups in New Hampshire. A little more than half are statewide with the remaining in towns such as Gilford, Manchester and Richmond (to name a few). Some of these groups are listed as “anti-government” others just “general” hate. This article will introduce us to the New Hampshire chapter of Proud Boys, whose “general” hate is directed throughout the state.

Their website has a Youtube presentation given by original Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes, which was founded in 2016. They call themselves the NH Proud Boys, Sons of Liberty and consider themselves to be a patriotic organization celebrating American values and traditions. One of their beliefs on their website is “Venerating the Housewife,” the women who work tirelessly caring for their families and work to keep their homes running smoothly.  

Yeah, I guess they would view that as a traditional, American value, honoring the housewife.

They would also like to end welfare, believing this would encourage people to work hard and contribute to society while promoting independence and self-sufficiency. OK, how about we tank welfare AFTER every employee in every employment situation in every state earns a living wage to comfortably afford food, housing, day care, health needs not covered by insurance, schooling (either for themselves or their children), car payments/transportation and anything else that life tends to throw at a human being.

They would like to see censorship outlawed as they feel censorship only suppresses ideas and stifles progress. No word on how they feel about book-banning but they are not overly fond of drag queens reading a book to kids. 

They profess to have zero tolerance for racism, believing every individual, regardless of their race, ethnicity or cultural background, deserves to be treated with dignity, fairness and respect. Well, I guess in the summer of 2021that belief went out the window as these NH Proud Boys had begun to attend the Nashua Board of Education meetings by either standing at the back of the room or milling around outside. Several were photographed wearing hats, sunglasses and masks to hide their identities no doubt, with one member flashing the “WP” (white power) sign. They reportedly mocked and insulted various Board members which included Raymond Guarino, a Latino and Gloria Timmons, president of the Nashua chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Yeah, so much for zero tolerance.

Their website claims to be a pro-Western, libertarian social club for men, proudly proclaiming to be “Western chauvinists who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.” 

Yeah, I guess “housewives” need not apply. Can’t say we weren’t given a heads-up . . .

Many of these members of various groups, not just the NH Proud Boys, but also the Liberty Alliance and Free State Project, have infiltrated our local and state government. Larger cities throughout NH will be holding local elections on Nov. 7. Be as aware as you can be about the backgrounds of those who are on your ballot.

Our democracy depends on all of us!

“Democracy is not something we have, it is something we do.” -Granny D