Nazis in New Hampshire

By Terri O'Rorke, 7 May 2023
Court Hearing of Christopher Hood

Republic, Washington is a town of about 1,000 people, located about an hour’s drive from Canada. In Dec. 2018, Rinaldo Nazzaro bought 30 acres of land there, intending to turn it into a training ground for a white supremacy group called “The Base.” 

The Base is part of a white supremacist movement referring to itself as accelerationist. They see today’s society as impossible to “fix”, believing it should be made to fall apart so a fascist movement can take over. What makes these white supremacist accelerationists stand out is their belief that violence and terrorism is the only way to achieve these goals. This is not new, violence and terrorism has always been the basis of the white supremacist movement. They believe a genocide is occurring against White people, thus justifying their use of violence. Sound familiar?

The Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) annual report has New Hampshire experiencing a whopping 383% year-over-year increase in white supremacist activity. And according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), there are five active hate groups here in New Hampshire:

  • Act for America, anti-Muslim, Hollis
  • American Nazi Party, neo-Nazi, statewide
  • Jihad Watch, anti-Muslim, Manchester
  • Nationalist Social Club (NSC-131), neo-Nazi, statewide
  • Proud Boys, general hate, statewide

Neo-Nazi groups have a love for Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. In addition to hating Jews, they also hate gays, lesbians, and some Christians. This article will focus on the Nationalist Social Club (NSC-131).

This group is organized in all the New England states with Massachusetts as their headquarters. According to the ADL, members of the Nationalist Social Club, whose activities have increased in the Seacoast since 2021, “see themselves as soldiers at war with a hostile, Jewish-controlled system that is deliberately plotting the extinction of the white race.” On April 20, they introduced the “People’s Initiative of New England” (PINE) which has a five point program:

  • Formally recognizing New England as “a White Homeland and a sovereign state.”
  • Breaking up and excluding “media conglomerates and corporate monopolies from operating in New England to ensure all business is conducted in the best interests of the people.”
  • No longer recognizing institutions of the federal government; and establishing “a new National party” as the government of New England. That government “will not participate in any Federations, Coalitions or Alliances which erode its sovereignty or are otherwise contrary to the interests of its people.”
  • Pursuing policies “that are Pro-Family both economically and socially,” with regulations centering on “achieving a living family wage, affordable housing, and healthy birth rates, as well as a pro-social cultural environment conducive to the formation of strong families.”
  • Ending all non-White migration to New England “for the purpose of maintaining our ethnic identity,” and designating English as the sole official language. “Cultural assimilation will be a prerequisite for the consideration of any European diaspora.” 

Last July, some members of NSC-131 hung a banner that stated “Keep New England White” from a highway overpass in Portsmouth. In response, the state Dept. of Justice filed charges against the group and 2 members citing a violation of the NH Civil Rights Act. One of the members was a Christopher Hood, leader of NSC-131.

Now we focus on “Task Force Butler,” a nonprofit organization founded by Army veteran Kristopher Goldsmith. The name came from a WWII group who targeted Nazi defenses. This group of veterans investigates and exposes hate groups along with their activities. They refer to themselves as American veterans who hunt neo-Nazis, and have recently been actively investigating NSC-131. 

According to Task Force Butler, NSC-131 is a “violent terrorist gang that primarily functions to plan, train, and obtain weapons for the explicit purpose of engaging in acts of violence and harassment against religious, racial, and ethnic minorities, the LGBTQIA+ community, and others deemed ‘enemies’...” They are also part of a global white supremacist terrorist network.

According to Goldsmith, veterans who signed up to serve their country did so to protect Americans and our way of life. Now, with the formation of Task Force Butler, veterans are STILL protecting democracy and ALL Americans from terrorism, violence and oppression. 

We must remain cognizant of those who run for office, whether it is locally, state or federal. Who are they? What is their background? Any one of the above mentioned hate groups could run one of their members for public office. 

Hunting hate: Veterans group warns of neo-Nazi group's activities in NH | Social Issues |

Kristofer Goldsmith (

Task Force Butler