Mother knows best? Not this group of “Moms.”

By Terri O'Rorke, 3 August 2023
Moms for Liberty

"Moms for Liberty" is an incorporated 501(c)(4) organization which burst into existence a few years ago. Two of the “founders” are former school committee members, Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich, a communications and marketing professional. A third founder, Bridget Ziegler is still a school committee member. Her husband, Christian Ziegler, is vice chairman of the Florida Republican Party and the owner of a political marketing firm.

Through guest appearances on Fox News and articles in The Washington Post, Moms have made themselves something of a right wing force not to be taken lightly. Moms for Liberty have established three federal and one state political action committees (PAC), one of which is a SuperPAC able to accept unlimited donations. Their members are communications professionals, political strategists and risk managers, some with high connections to state and national Republicans. 

On its website they are actively looking for state coordinators to work with their chapter chair coordinator and are also looking for a communications officer. Two of their National Summit sponsors are Heritage Foundation and Leadership Institute, an interconnected group of right wing billionaires and rigid Christian leaders that is cloaked in secrecy.  

As an example of what Moms for Liberty stands for or believes in, just last week they wrote on a social media platform (unknown which one), “Health care has no place in public schools.” This post was in response to Pres. Biden’s recent announcement of improving mental health care in public schools by expanding access to it and bringing in more providers. Their post continued, “Mental health care is health care Mr. President. That’s why it has NO place in public schools. #ParentalRights.”

Which leads me to why I write this article today. Here in New Hampshire there is an active chapter in Hillsborough county headed by Rachel Goldsmith, former executive director of the Free State Project. There is also either an established chapter or one in the works in Rockingham county. Moms have arrived in NH, folks.

What they do is teach parents (so far, in 45 states) that public educators are the enemy or adversaries. They don’t want children to be taught how to think for themselves. Again, in NH Moms offered a $500 reward to anyone who could get an educator punished for teaching "divisive concepts." They strongly encourage banning books, not just for their own kids, but for everyone else’s. They promote the teaching that some enslaved people who were eventually freed, ended up with useful skills, which could explain where Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fl.) got the idea from.

Free Stater Rachel Goldsmith is not alone in NH in her fight against public education. Free State board member Greg Moore is NH’s director of Americans for Prosperity [AFP] founded by oil billionaires David and Charles Koch. AFP NH previously went door-to-door and mailed postcards encouraging parents to take the state’s vouchers and send their kids to non-public schools. These vouchers from property taxes are funding for religious schools and students who are home schooled.When Gov. Sununu signed school vouchers into law, former Sec. of Education Betsy DeVos came to NH to celebrate.

NH’s Education Commissioner, Frank Edleblut, whose own children were all home schooled, attacks and defames our public schools and their teachers. He was asked by a Superior Court judge to define an adequate education, but claimed it’s not his job to know. He was very active in getting education vouchers and would like to see teachers replaced by “guides” overseen by commercial companies. Wait! A what?

A majority of NH residents support public education and do not want their property tax dollars funding private or home schooling.   This voucher system can be removed in one day by voting in a legislature that reflects the will of the NH people.

Remember to be aware of “Moms” who do not have your children’s best educational interests at heart!