So much littering

By Bobby Williams, 23 January 2023
A bucket full of empty 25 oz beer cans

I am getting tired of all the beer cans being tossed along the side of the road in my neighborhood. A couple weekends ago I went out along North Lincoln Street with a bucket and filled it up with beer cans in no time at all. Evidence suggests that most of these cans are from people are throwing them out their car window. 

On Facebook, the scofflaw has been dubbed the "Bud Light Bandit," although I think there is more that one culprit, at least one of who seems to prefer 25 oz cans of "Twisted Tea."

Some neighbors have been complaining about this problem to their City Councilor, which happens to be me. 

And so I have brought the issue to the City Council and it will be discussed at a meeting of the Municipal Services, Facilities, and Infrastructure Committee on Wednesday, January 25 at 6:00 PM City Hall. There will be opportunity for public comment, if you have ideas on how best this issue could be addressed.


A letter to the Keene Mayor and City Council - "As I have heard from many of my constituents, and have witnessed myself, there has been a major increase in littering in the area in and around Woodland Cemetery. North Lincoln Street, famous for its salamander crossing, is particularly affected by the regular dumping of beer cans, many of which appear to have been thrown from passing automobiles. Other back roads on the East Side, including Old Concord Road, are also experiencing this problem. Of particular concern is the impact on the wetlands along Beaver Brook that drain the area.I ask that this topic be brought up for discussion at a Council Committee meeting."