March is local Dem committee caucus season

By Bobby Williams, 15 March 2023
Keene City Democrats

This March, city and town Democratic committees are having their organizational caucuses. Participating in a local Democratic Party organization is a great way to get your feet wet in politics.

You can find out about when your local caucus is scheduled by checking the events map on the New Hampshire Democratic Party website. The work these local party organizations do is vital to helping Team Blue win in a purple state.

Last night, the Keene City Democrats elected its new slate of officers, including some new faces and many who have been around since the caucus two years ago, when progressives organized to win all the offices and revive a moribund organization. In that time, several have gone on to win seats in the General Assembly.

The members of Keene City Democratic Committee for 2023-2024 are as follows:

  • Chair: State Rep. Shaun Filiault (Cheshire-7)
  • Vice Chair: State Rep. Amanda Elizabeth Toll (Cheshire-16)
  • Treasurer: City Councilor Bobby Williams (Ward 2)
  • Secretary: Samantha Jean-Jacobs
  • Delegates at Large: 
    • Michele Chalice
    • Nancy McGartland
    • State Rep. Renée Monteil (Cheshire-16)
    • Marie Dugan
    • Sandra Van De Kauter
    • Kristen Petricola
    • Sue Hay
  • Ward 1 Chair: State Rep. Nick Germana (Cheshire-1)
  • Ward 2 Chair: Paul Ruscak
  • Ward 3 Chair: Vern Thornblad
  • Ward 4 Chair: State Rep. Jodi Newell (Cheshire-4)
  • Ward 5 Chair: Stephanie Ritchie Logan