The “Inflation Reduction Act” helps out again

By Terri O'Rorke, 28 December 2023
Solar panels

On Aug. 16, 2022, Pres. Biden signed into law the "Inflation Reduction Act." This law represents the largest investment in addressing and combatting climate change in our nation’s history.

Here in New Hampshire the “Solar For All” grant program is designed to assist low and moderate income NH households get connected to community solar projects. This connectivity enables these households to either arrange for access to or become stakeholders in the proposed solar program. This is another option for people who are concerned about the environment and want renewable energy but are unable or don’t want to place solar panels on their homes. 

Recently, the NH Dept. of Energy put in a request for a $70 million federal grant to widen these community solar programs for low and moderate income households. An expectation of roughly sixty grants are to be awarded. This funding will assist in lowering utility bills, speed up decarbonization (reducing carbon dioxide emissions), and possibly bring about more desperately needed, affordable housing. 

Community solar project developers would be able to team up with consumers who are qualified for NH’s Electric Assistance Program. This project is only available to customers of Eversource, Liberty, and Unitil. Households that are located closest to proposed solar panel groupings will be given the opportunity to participate first. If chosen, consumers will also have the opportunity to decline participation. Consumers are chosen based on their electric assistance eligibility and zip code, with their utility company doing the choosing. These consumers would receive a credit on their monthly electric bill. If there turns out to be more qualified households in the proposed area than there is availability, utility companies are expected to indiscriminately choose from these households. 

NH Dept. of Energy has opened up the application process for solar developers who are planning these community solar projects. The applications are due to the state by Feb. 29, 2024.