HB 514 - Book Banning (Again!)

By Terri O'Rorke, 12 March 2023
Rosa Parks

Book banning is becoming more and more common lately with issues such as race and LGBTQ frequently targeted. Everything from novels about anti-slavery, different religions to modern books have been removed from school libraries. For example, about a year and a half ago, in Pennsylvania’s Central York School District, books such as I am Rosa Parks by Brad Metzer were removed along with other so-called “racially conscious materials.” 

The following are a small example of some of the books no longer allowed to be available in Central York school district:

Think this can’t happen here in New Hampshire? Think again. On Thursday, March 16, the House will meet in a full session to confer about several topics. Amongst them is the “Book Ban Bill” HB 514. This bill has no recommendation from the Education Committee and its sole purpose is to allow SOME parents ban the books that THEY find inappropriate for EVERYBODY else’s children in their local school district. While every parent has the right to decide what book their OWN child may be exposed to, they do NOT have the right to decide for someone else’s child. HB 514 will also increase the Commissioner of Education’s power to ban books and other materials.

Please take a few moments to contact your state representative before Thursday and urge them to vote against HB 514. You can find your representative at this link Contact Your Representative.