Buy my kid's video game on Steam

By Bobby Williams, 24 February 2023
Dwarf Star promo shot

"Dwarf Star" is a video game that my 16 year old son wrote and released on Steam, which is where PC games are bought and sold these days.

If you have a PC, a Steam account, and enjoy shooting alien spaceships and supporting young game developers, you should buy a copy. Only $5.

Calvin originally released this in November, after about 3 years of development. He's just put out an updated release includes that new features including "raid mode," for those who wish to have a less structured alien spaceship shooting experience, in edition to the original, plot-driven campaign.

No, it hasn't been selling well, but one hopes it will look great on a college application. I know I sure hadn't released a Steam game when I was his age.

Here's a promotional video he made for the game. Lucky for him, we have a spaceship set in our basement.

Once again, I am asking you to BUY A COPY OF MY KID'S GAME on Steam.