350 NH Action

By Terri O'Rorke, 27 April 2023
350 NH Action protesting at the State House

There’s an organization in New Hampshire dedicated to educating and mobilizing voters about climate change along with getting voters to elect candidates who themselves are serious about the topic. That organization is called “350 NH Action” and was launched here in NH in 2012.

This group focuses on getting rid of fossil fuel money in politics, putting an end to fossil fuel dependence and holding our elected officials to account for their votes and actions on this issue.

350 NH Action fully supports candidates who themselves are in favor of progressive climate policies which includes investing in renewable energy. Additionally, 350 NH Action supports candidates who work for economic, gender, immigrant and racial justice.

As an example, they ran a campaign fighting to stop the proposed Granite Bridge gas pipeline. How? They scheduled information sessions in order to educate the public, got volunteers trained and out canvassing. They organized climate strikes, got local ordinances passed and swayed elected officials to oppose the pipeline. In July 2020, the Liberty Utilities Granite Bridge pipeline project was defeated!

Another example is the Green New Deal, a plan that has been championed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). These are the five goals:

  1. Reach net-zero in greenhouse gas emissions through a just transition for all workers and communities
  2. Create millions of good, livable-wage jobs and ensure economic security for all people in the United States
  3. Invest in infrastructure and industry in the US to sustainably meet future challenges
  4. Secure clean air and water, climate and community resilience, access to nature, food security, and a sustainable environment for all
  5. Promote justice and equity by stopping, preventing, and/or repairing the historic oppression of frontline and vulnerable communities

350 NH Action keeps the pressure on our elected officials, Reps. Annie Kuster, Chris Pappas, Sens. Jeannne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan. Unfortunately, Sen. Hassan has taken money from the fossil fuel industry in the past which makes any support from her questionable and possibly less likely to be in favor of climate policy. Pressure needs to be kept up on her! They made sure every major Democrat candidate for president pledged to support the Green New Deal in 2020 and intend to keep that pressure on, going forward into 2024. This would include the NH elected officials.

350 NH Action is working in conjunction with a new campaign called “NH Renews”. This campaign is addressing not only climate change but also racial injustice and unemployment, by establishing grassroots networks and electing those dedicated to positive climate policies. They are also working with environmental advocates, racial justice groups and labor unions. 

To learn more about this organization: 350NH Action

To make a donation: 350 New Hampshire Action — Donate via ActBlue