More Call to Action

By Terri O'Rorke, 3 February 2025
New Hampshire State Capitol

Upcoming vote:

HB 60, relative to the termination of tenancy at the expiration of the tenancy or lease term. This forced eviction bill would harm tenants and increase homelessness in a state already experiencing high housing costs and low housing availability. The full House will vote on this bill on Thurs., Feb. 6 at 10 AM. Please urge your Representatives to oppose this misguided bill.

Upcoming hearings:

Wednesday, February 5
HB 392-FN, directing the dissolution of the Dept. of Health and Human services’ office of health equity, dept. of environmental services’ functions for civil rights and environmental justice, and the governor’s council on diversity and inclusion. This bill is scheduled for a public hearing in the House Health, Human Services & Elderly Affairs Committee, LOB Room 210-211 on Wed., Feb. 5 at 9:30 AM. To contact the committee, use this link to copy and paste their emails. And sign in to oppose and share testimony.

Thursday, February 6
SB 255, establishing and developing crisis stabilization services. This bill would expand needed mental health crisis services in NH. It is scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate Health & Human Services Committee, LOB Room 101, on Thurs., Feb. 6 at 11 AM. Please contact the committee; you can use this link to copy and paste their emails. And sign in to support and share testimony.

To submit your position to a House Committee, click SUBMIT YOUR POSITION TO A HOUSE COMMITTEE HERE.

To submit your position to a Senate Committee, click SUBMIT YOUR POSITION TO A SENATE COMMITTEE HERE.

Directions for registering your position on a bill.

·  Fill in your Personal Information

·  Select the correct date and committee for the hearing by clicking on it in the Meeting Schedule Calendar (make sure you are on the right week!). [Select Bill # and select the date].

·  In the dropbox below "Select the Committee," select committee.

·  In the dropbox below "Choose the Bill," select the correct time and bill number.

·  Select the correct option for the "I am" dropbox (likely "Member of the Public").

·  Fill in the content box under "I'm Representing" with the business, organization, or group you are representing. If you are representing yourself only, write "myself."

·  Under the “Indicate Your Position on this Bill,” check the circle stating your position on the bill. “I Oppose this Bill” or “I Support this Bill”

·  After filling in all the correct dropboxes, click “Submit.”

·  After clicking submit, you will be brought to the next page, where you will fill in the content boxes with your first and last name, your town, state, and email address.

·  Press “Continue.”

·  If you wish to speak during the hearing to present your testimony, you need to attend in person at the State House.

·  If you wish to submit testimony on the bill, email the relevant committee and upload the testimony file from your computer.

Thank you for being diligent during this extremely challenging legislative session. Let’s do all we can to preserve our democracy.

Together, we win and can move towards a better future.