This attempt at voter suppression is not limited to New Hampshire!

By Terri O'Rorke, 24 May 2024

No, this is a nationwide effort at creating unnecessary roadblocks for certain groups of people. The latest nationwide “outrage” is the possibility of non-citizens voting in our federal elections. Earlier this month Republican House Representatives Mike Johnson (La.), Chip Roy (Tx.) and Republican Senator Mike Lee (Utah) proposed a bill that would require people to show approved proof of American citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections. This would include a birth certificate, a military ID, a naturalization certificate, a US passport or a government-issued photo ID card showing the person’s birthplace was in the US.

According to Rep. Johnson, “We all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections, but it’s not been something that is easily provable. We don’t have that number.”

(Intuitivelyby means of direct perception, an instinctive inner sense, or gut feeling rather than rational thought.)

No, we don’t all intuitively know any such thing.

“It’s not provable because there’s no proof,” stated Democrat Rep. Joe Morelle (NY).

However, there are known estimates that have shown to be exceptionally low. A nationwide survey found the amount of noncitizens suspected to have voted in the 2016 election was about 30. Out of millions of voters! This federal bill sounds more like a solution looking for an “intuitive” problem.

A voter advocacy organization called “Voting Rights Lab” has determined that since the 2020 election, elected officials have rewritten rules that govern our democracy and elections. According to a report from the Voting Rights Lab, more than 560 new laws concerning elections are now in effect since 2020.

Which brings me to what was reported about New Hampshire. Voters will have a lot less access to the ballot box this year than we did in 2020. After getting rid of the temporary expansions during the pandemic, NH has now become one of three states where the only option for most voters will be to vote in person on Election Day.

That should go over well for those who have no car/don’t drive or are handicapped.

Additionally, a lot of these new potential rules make it more likely that people who register to vote on Election Day will have their ballots rejected as they will not have the newly required documentation with them. 

Here’s something to remember before this very important election cycle. We seem to be struggling still . . .

“Someone struggled for your right to vote. Use it.”

— Susan B. Anthony, women’s rights activist during the suffragette movement in the early 20th century. 


“The vote is precious. It is the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a democratic society, and we must use it.”

— John Lewis, late civil rights activist and member of the US House of Representatives for Georgia.