This needs to stop.

By Terri O'Rorke, 19 May 2024
Delegates Hall

Here’s another example of half a dozen bills that were defeated by those in the majority in Concord:

HB 1199 would direct New Hampshire’s Office of the Child Advocate to identify and develop programs meant to support young people who are experiencing homelessness. The prime sponsor was Democrat Rep. Patrick Long. Republican Liberty Alliance member Joe Sweeney brought it to a vote to indefinitely postpone, which means the bill was basically defeated.

HB 1322 addressed raising the minimum wage. The prime sponsors were Democrat Reps. Kathy Staub, Christine Seibert, Timothy Horrigan, Tony Kaplan and Kristina Schultz. Republican Liberty Alliance member Joe Sweeney brought it to a vote to indefinitely postpone, which means the bill was defeated.

HB 1470 was meant to create a committee to study the practicality of using tax credits to motivate construction of low-income and workforce housing. The prime sponsors were Democrat Reps. Matt Wilhelm and Hope Damon. Republican Liberty Alliance member Joe Sweeney brought it to a vote to indefinitely postpone, which means the bill was defeated.

HB 1520 would have established a family assistance car ownership pilot program for those who take part in the Bureau of Family Assistance (this would be through the NH Dept. of Health and Human Services.) The prime sponsors were Democrat Reps. Joe Schapiro, William Palmer and Kristina Schultz. This bill was defeated.

HB 1611 would have created a childcare workforce fund, meant to build up the amount of much needed employees in the field of childcare. The prime sponsors were Democrat Reps. Amanda Toll, David Paige, Rebecca McWilliams, David Preece, Candace O’Neil and Mary Jane Wallner. This bill was defeated.

We can see time and time again the types of bills brought forth by representatives who want to improve lives or lend a helping hand to those who may only need temporary assistance. From children who are homeless to those seeking safe, affordable (sometimes non-existent) childcare, only one group of representatives continuously turn a blind eye to fellow human beings who are down on their luck and just need that occasional helping hand.

Let’s reverse this trend in November.