An ordinance for the protection of little dogs

By Bobby Williams, 18 February 2024
Keene City Council

I serve with Debi Leblanc on the Keene Conservation Commission, and was rather horrified to hear back in December that her little dog, Suzette, had been attacked and mauled by a big dog. 

Based on my discussions with Debi, I wrote the following letter to the Mayor and City Council to see about getting the ball rolling on a potential ordinance that would require dogs with a history of attacking other dogs to be leashed and muzzled in public:

February 12, 2024

To the Honorable Mayor and City Council,

On December 7, 2023, Deborah Leblanc was walking her small dog, Suzette, on North Street when Suzette was attacked and mauled by a larger dog. Ms. Leblanc was herself bitten by the large dog as she worked with others to wrest Suzette from its grasp. 

As a result of this attack, Ms. Leblanc has felt unsafe in her neighborhood and has had to seek medical care as a precaution against rabies infection. Suzette has faced substantial veterinary bills and a difficult recovery.

The dog that attacked Suzette is known to be a repeat offender, with a record of attacking another dog in Keene last year. 

Ms. Leblanc has expressed to me her concern, which I share, that the City appears to have limited tools to prevent the dog that attacked Suzette from attacking other small dogs in the future. 

She has suggested that the City Council pass an ordinance requiring dogs with a record of attacking other dogs be required to wear a muzzle when in public. I believe the City Council would be empowered to pass such an ordinance under RSA 466:39.

I ask that this matter be brought before a Council committee for discussion and consideration of a possible ordinance.


Bobby Williams

City Councilor, Ward 2

This letter was accepted at last Thursday's City Council meeting an referred to the Council's Planning, Licenses, and Development (PLD) Committee for discussion at the next meeting on Wednesday, March 13 at 7:00 PM. Please attend if you are local and have a perspective to share on this topic.