Safe for Who?

By Terri O'Rorke, 16 February 2024
Gov. Chris Sununu gives State of State Address

There were many state issues that outgoing Governor Chris Sununu touted as “accomplishments” in his last State of the State speech on Thursday, Feb. 15. He then moved on to speak about the influx of migrants at the southern border.

While the following was not part of the governor’s speech, I will share that the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recently released their operational statistics for January 2024. What they reported was that migrant encounters along the southwest border were significantly lower than experienced in December, 2023. CBP monthly reporting can be accessed on CBP’s Stats and Summaries webpage.

Since mid-May, 2023 through the end of January, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) returned or removed more than 520,000 migrants, a large majority of them having crossed through the southwestern border. Over the past three years a majority of all migrants have been expelled, returned or removed. And since mid-May, the total removals have surpassed removals since 2013. 

Last year, Sununu was able to appropriate funding of $1.4 million for the “Northern Border Alliance Task Force.” This enables local and state law enforcement with the ability to monitor our border with Canada, thus seizing anyone who illegally enters.

Now Sununu wants to assist the southern border with their migrant issues. Yesterday, February 15, the Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee approved his proposed $850,000 taxpayer dollars to send fifteen NH National Guard members to assist in monitoring the Eagle Pass, Texas part of the southern border for up to ninety days. According to Sununu, (who received a standing ovation from Republican lawmakers) “This is not a Texas problem. This is a national crisis. And New Hampshire has the chance to provide specialized support, follow the laws of the land, and keep our citizens safe.”

Oh goody! They have our safety in mind!

Moving right along from their hearty applause of keeping “our citizens safe,” Senate Republicans then proceeded to block gun violence prevention legislation which would have enacted what is called a “red flag” law. Continuing in their show of how serious they are in ensuring the safety of “our citizens,” the Republican Senate voted against a bill meant to expand background checks for all commercial sales and another bill seeking to place a mandatory three-day waiting period on gun purchases.

Awesome job, Republicans! The vast amount of NH citizens feel so much safer with you guys looking out for our safety at the southern border, while thumbing your noses at the safety of those who actually reside here!