Training sessions through Project 2025

By Terri O'Rorke, 13 August 2024
Project 2025: Presidential Transition Project

The nefarious information just keeps coming out about this anti-democracy group of power hungry authoritarian wanna-be’s.

ProPublica recently published an article outlining the various training sessions being offered for conservative political appointees. These training videos instruct future government appointees on a variety of ways to deceive government bureaucrats. There are schemes for averting Freedom of Information Act disclosures that could potentially be embarrassing; assuring conservative policies aren’t nullified by “left-wing judges;” drastically changing how the federal government functions and operates. Their goal is to “battle against the so-called deep state government bureaucracy.”

There are 36 speakers on these videos, with 29 of them having previously worked for Trump. Some were on his 2016-17 transition team, others were in his administration and currently on his 2024 reelection campaign.

How about a few examples of what is offered in these videos:

  • During the Trump administration, Betany Kozma was a deputy chief of staff at the US Agency for International Development. Kozma, who is also a conservative activist, mocks the seriousness of climate change, declaring the effort to combat it is really part of a ploy to “control people.” She claims the issue of climate change is a form of “population control.” (Wut??)  She states the administration of a conservative president “will have to eradicate climate change references from absolutely everywhere.” Kozma also refers to gender fluidity as “evil.”
  • Katie Sullivan, former “acting” assistant attorney general at the Department of Justice during the Trump era, has set her sights on executive actions that created gender adviser positions throughout the federal government, implemented by the administration of Pres. Joe Biden. The goal, Biden wrote in one order, was to “advance equal rights and opportunities, regardless of gender or gender identity.” She’s all in for removing so-called “critical race theory” from public education but doesn’t say how the government would accomplish that. Sullivan wants the positions and task forces to be eliminated, remove all equity plans from all the websites, and “a complete rework of the language in internal and external policy documents and grant applications.”
  • New Hampshire’s own Karoline Leavitt, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign, admitted to the quiet part out loud in one of the videos, “As our campaign leadership and President Trump have repeatedly stated, Agenda 47 is the only official policy agenda from our campaign.” (emphasis added) Agenda 47 and Project 2025 are quite similar in their goal of destroying democracy.
  • Another video has the Heritage Foundation's David Burton, an economic policy expert, talking about the importance of a little known but influential agency called the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). The Trump administration used OIRA to help roll back regulations on economic, environmental and fiscal issues. The Biden administration has since reviewed and developed new regulations such as combating housing discrimination, banning the sale of “ghost” guns and setting new renewable fuel targets.

This cannot be stressed enough, Project 2025 calls for but is not limited to, eliminating the Dept. of Education, eliminating Medicaid, reclassifying tens of thousands of career civil servants so they can easily be replaced for loyalists, give the president greater power to control the DOJ and further restricting abortion access.

This November, make your vote count towards democracy!

Democracy isn’t something we have. It is something we do.”
                                                  Granny D