Project 2025 - Healthcare

By Terri O'Rorke, 20 June 2024
Arise Sisters! Fight back against the Republican war on women

Remember back when the previous administration wanted to do away with the “Affordable Care Act?” People rose up and voiced their anger against that, leaving elected officials no other choice but to leave it in place (not that they had anything to replace it with, anyway.) They did manage to weaken some aspects of it when they bolstered the capability of doctors to hide behind “religious beliefs” when some (not all) physicians did not want to provide certain medical care such as abortions (even in emergencies), vasectomies or care to transgenders, to give a few examples. They shamelessly dubbed it “The Denial of Care Rule.”

The Project 2025 chapter on the Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) was written by attorney Roger Severino, a Heritage Foundation employee who had also worked for the Becket Fund. In this chapter, Severino vows to limit access to birth control (that’s already being tried), repeal the FDA’s approval of medication abortion (although I believe the Supreme Court recently threw women a bone), and outlaw mailing such medications by citing the “Comstock Act.”

(Comstock Act of 1873- Act for the Suppression of Trade in, and Circulation of, Obscene Literature and Articles of Immoral Use. Signed into law by Pres. Ulysses S. Grant on March 3, 1873.)

Additionally, the HHS would eliminate programs aimed towards the rights of LGBTQ people. Severino recommends just about all HHS agency or programs such as Administration for Children and Families, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Food and Drug Administration, National Institutes of Health and Office of the Surgeon General be reorganized in order to promote heterosexual marriage and procreation, “to maintain a biblically based, social-science reinforced definition of marriage and family.”

Severino writes that he would like to see HHS go back to being called the “Department of Life” by strongly rejecting the idea “that abortion is healthcare and by restoring its mission statement . . . to include furthering the health and well-being of all Americans from conception to natural death.” (I wonder if getting shot and killed in a parking lot, school or church is considered a “natural death.”) The CDC would be expected to increase “abortion surveillance” especially in blue states that “have now become sanctuaries for abortion tourism.” He wants the Reproductive Healthcare Access Task Force to be eliminated in order to construct a pro-life task force promoting the life and health of women and their unborn child. The FDA would be required to reverse approval of medical abortion drugs; funding from Medicaid to Planned Parenthood would come to a stop; women’s health facilities would stop giving out condoms (sorry guys, you’re targeted too); getting rid of the IUD and some forms of the birth control pill. Severino refers to the CDC as “the most incompetent and arrogant agency of the federal government” and wants to remove its capability of issuing public health advice. Wearing masks and social distancing immediately come to mind . . .

Project 2025, these guys are NOT kidding around!