Project 2025 – Education

By Terri O'Rorke, 22 June 2024
Project 2025 logo

Project 2025 is an immediate threat to our democracy; formed and molded by multiple Christian Nationalist organizations whose goal is to institute a specific version of Christianity as the ruling, authoritative cultural and moral order. Naturally, it would be “exclusionary” and not only a threat to our democracy but to the long-held separation of church and state. 

Focusing this article on public education, their manifesto calls for the elimination of the Dept. of Education, student loans and grants would eventually be returned to the private sector, gender ideology and critical race theory would be rejected and the all time favorite of taxpayer dollars, intended for public schools, rerouted to private, religious or home schools. Their vision for the country, “Ultimately, every parent should have the option to direct his or her child’s share of education funding through an education savings account (ESA), funded overwhelmingly by state and local taxpayers, which would empower parents to choose a set of education options that meet their child's unique needs.” A different form of welfare for those who really don’t need it. 

What are ESA’s? Usually referred to as school vouchers, they are used for a family’s tuition by (and this can’t be said enough) using taxpayer dollars for private schools. Keep in mind a lot of these  private schools do NOT offer special education services as public schools do, because they are not required to do so. According to the National Education Association (NEA), states with this program are now grappling with the cost, lack of accountability and lack of transparency. The continued increase in costs will not only redirect taxpayer dollars from the intended public schools but will also impact other vital public services.

Calling the NEA a “demonstrably radical special interest group that overwhelmingly supports left-of-center policies and policymakers,” the manifesto recommends Congress revoke their congressional charter. They recommend member hearings be held to ascertain how much federal taxpayer dollars the NEA has used for “radical” causes that “favor” one political party. Oh, NOW they’re concerned about the use of taxpayer dollars?

Moving right along with the really important stuff listed in the manifesto:
“No public education employee or contractor shall use a name to address a student other than the name listed on a student’s birth certificate, without the written permission of a student’s parents or guardians. 
No public education employee or contractor shall use a pronoun in addressing a student that is different from that student’s biological sex without the written permission of a student’s parents or guardians. 
No public institution may require an education employee or contractor to use a pronoun that does not match a person’s biological sex if contrary to the employee’s or contractor’s religious or moral convictions.” 

To the surprise of no one, protecting the civil rights of Black and Brown students, LGBTQ students and those with disabilities would make their way to the chopping block. It is currently the responsibility of the Dept. of Education to do so, but if they want to eliminate that department then the above mentioned students would be left out or left to their own devices. Gains that took decades to achieve would be instantly wiped out. 

According to Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, Project 2025 is “redefining religious freedom as a license to discriminate.” Let’s make sure they are unsuccessful this Nov.!