Know your candidates!

By Terri O'Rorke, 20 August 2024
Voting booth

New Hampshire’s Primary Day is fast approaching, Tuesday, Sept. 10th. The following is a list of Republican candidates for office:

Governor: Richmond, Edmond LaPlante, Undeclared, Constitutional Party of NH
-Dover, Stephen Villee, Libertarian, came to NH in 2023 with the Free State Project
-Gilmanton, Shaun Fife, Republican, “When your Constitution's foundation is resting on the Bible, you can stand tall.”

US Congress, District 1:
-Manchester, Kevin Rondeau, conservative Democrat, would like to extend the Trump (wealthy only) tax cuts
-Seabrook, Max Abramson, Republican/Libertarian, “Get government out of everything."
-Manchester, Joseph Levasseur, Republican, “The most pro-Trump candidate in the race.”
-Derry, Chris Bright, Republican, Army veteran
-Newfields, Hollie Novoletsky, Republican, Army veteran
-Manchester, Andy Martin, Republican, wants to increase oil and natural gas leases on public land
-Manchester, Walter McFarlane III, Republican
-Kingston, Russell Prescott, Republican, former State Senator and Executive Councilor

US Congress, District 2: 
-Danbury, Paul Wagner, Republican, wants to extend the Trump tax cuts and increase oil and natural gas leases on public land
-Weare, Lily Tang Williams, Republican, “We the People” member (anti-government)
-Keene, Jason Riddle, Republican, entered Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, charged with stealing a book and toy football from a Senate office
-Nashua, Jay Mercer, Republican
-Lincoln, Vikram Mansharamani, Republican, wants to increase oil and natural gas leases on public land
-Colebrook, William Harvey, Republican
-Hanover, Bill Hamlen, Republican
-Hudson, Tom Alciere, Republican, self-proclaimed "orthodox libertarian extremist", against Medicare For All
-Colebrook, Gerard Beloin, Republican, against abortions before 24 weeks
-Conway, Michael Callis, Republican, he’s for Medicare For All and against privatizing Social Security, so there’s that . . .
-Hollis, Randall Clark, Republican, champions school vouchers
-Nashua, Casey Crane, Republican, website tells you all you need to know . . .
-Stoddard, Robert D'Arcy, Republican, wants to extend the Trump tax cuts and is against a woman’s right to choose

Executive Councilor, District 1:
-Wakefield, Joseph Kenney, Republican, against capital gains tax, contracts with Planned Parenthood, abortions in first two trimesters
District 2:
-Concord, Mary Rose Deak, Republican
-Plymouth, Kim Strathdee, Republican
District 3:
-Rye, Janet Stevens, Republican
District 4:
-Loudon, Terese Bastarache, Republican, against abortion, climate change action, capital gains tax, increase minimum wage
-Manchester, Robert Burns, Republican, Trump supporter ‘nuff said
-Deerfield, John Reagan, Republican, against abortion, capital gains tax and supports school vouchers
-Manchester, John Stephen, Republican, endorsed by “Americans for Prosperity” (Koch billionaire organization), Free State Project and Liberty Alliance House Representatives
-Lee, Ryan Terrell, Republican
-Manchester, Ross Terrio, Republican, against abortion and strict gun laws, supports school vouchers
District 5:
-Milford, David Wheeler, Republican, supports school vouchers, against abortion and contracts with Planned Parenthood, stricter gun laws and increasing the minimum wage

Knowledge is power, even when one is entering the voting booth. Next article will focus on candidates for the State Senate.