Kelly and the Extremists

By Terri O'Rorke, 14 October 2024
Ayotte, Osborne, and Kauffman

Nope, not a rock band. Kelly Ayotte is a candidate for the office of New Hampshire governor and her ties to the extremist groups we have here in the state.

But let’s begin with her now full support of Donald Trump for President. In 2016, then US Senator Ayotte insisted Trump was a "role model" for her daughter, but quickly changed her mind after the 2005 Access Hollywood tape surfaced with him proudly bragging about grabbing women without their permission. Kelly decided she just couldn’t “support a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women.” Quickly forgetting about Trump’s misogynistic inclinations, Kelly played a key role in shaping what has now become an extremist Supreme Court. She accompanied Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch by introducing him to various senators ahead of his party-line confirmation on April 10, 2017. Kelly has now thrown her full support behind a convicted felon and convicted sexual assaulter for President. 

Kelly Ayotte, Moms for Liberty, Liberty Alliance, Jason Osborne and Jeremy Kauffman. Hoo boy . . .

Moms for Liberty is best known for teaching parents that public educators are the enemy. They don’t want children to be taught how to think for themselves. In NH “Moms” offered a $500 reward to anyone who could get an educator punished for teaching "divisive concepts." They strongly encourage book banning, not just for their own kids, but for everyone else’s. There is an active chapter in Hillsborough county headed by Rachel Goldsmith, former executive director of the Free State Project and wife of Libertarian Party of NH member Jeremy Kauffman

Jeremy Kauffman, whose Libertarian Party posted on “X”, but quickly deleted, the words, “Anyone who murders Kamala Harris would be an American hero.” Kauffman has endorsed Kelly. 

Jason Osborne, Liberty Alliance member, majority leader of the NH House of Representatives and husband of Sharon (no, not that one). Sharon is the director of Latitude Learning Resources, a nonprofit which offers cross-curricular classes for homeschoolers and other students. Sharon is very happy to receive the school vouchers, a program Kelly would like to see expanded. Osborne is originally from Defiance (yes!) Ohio, where his family founded Credit Adjustments, Inc., a debt collections company. He came to NH in 2010 with the Free State Project and unsurprisingly has endorsed Kelly in her bid for governor. 

Trump supporter and House Representative Jonathan Stone has also endorsed Kelly. Stone has voted against free school lunches for low-income children and raising the minimum wage. He does support the school voucher program and exempting firearms manufactured in NH from federal laws and regulations.

And out-going governor Chris Sununu has given his endorsement also. He too, has done his share of flip-flopping from no to Trump, to stumping for Nikki Haley then back to the convicted felon again who Sununu has stated "contributed" to the unsuccessful insurrection!

What a Motley Crue indeed!